Infosec Thoughts (with Jayson E. Street & Tracy Maleeff)
Infosec Thoughts (with Jayson E. Street & Tracy Maleeff)
Advanced Persistent Security Podcast
Episode 42
Guests: Jayson E. Street and Tracy “Infosec Sherpa” Maleeff
April 12, 2018
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Infosec Thoughts (with Jayson E. Street & Tracy Maleeff)
Show Notes
Segment 1
In this episode, Tracy and Joe introduce Jayson E. Street. Tracy mentions Jayson’s talk about failing from Tactical Edge conference. Joe and Tracy agree that people in infosec do not talk enough about their failures. Jayson talks about how to break into infosec. He shares how he would survey his defenses as a security guard (30 years ago) from the lens of someone who would be breaking in.
Bad Guys will break in just like a red teamer, but they won’t give you a report to mitigate it.
Brian Krebs should not be your IDS.
Joe hits Jayson with a trick question about which language one should learn to break into infosec. Jayson passes the test with the answer of “English.” We continue down the rabbit hole of effective communications with regards to buzzwords and speaking the language of the audience. We talk about the use of the word “cyber” in the sense of cybersecurity in lieu of information security when speaking to the businesses.
Segment 2
Tracy asks Jayson how to approach talking to non-technical, non-security people about the umbrella of information security relative to explaining the various types of security disciplines and the differences in each. Jayson levels with us with regards to the culture of information security based on his travels across the world. Jayson tells us how he would collect information about a company using OSINT to phish the company or gain unauthorized access. He encourages listeners to go out and speak to non-security groups to raise awareness across other verticals.
About Jayson
Jayson E. Street is an Author of Dissecting the Hack: The F0rb1dd3n Network from Syngress. Also Creator of He has also spoken at DEFCON, DerbyCon, UCON and at several other ’CONs and colleges on a variety of information security subjects. His life story can be found on Google under “Jayson E. Street” *He is a highly carbonated speaker who has partaken of pizza from Beijing to Brazil. He does not expect anybody to still be reading this far, but if they are please note he was chosen as one of Time’s persons of the year for 2006.
Contacting Jayson:
Twitter: @jaysonstreet
Dissecting the Hack: The F0rb1dd3n Network Revised
Dissecting the Hack: The V3rb0t3n Network
About Tracy:
Tracy Z. Maleeff is a Cyber Analyst in the Security Operations Center for global pharmaceutical company GSK. She holds a Master of Library and Information Science degree from the University of Pittsburgh. She has 15+ years’ experience as a law firm librarian and also worked as an independent consultant who specialized in social media, research, and Information Security awareness training. Tracy received the Wolters Kluwer Law & Business Innovations in Law Librarianship Award in 2016 and the Information Systems Security Association Women in Security Leadership Award in 2017. Tracy has presented at a variety of conferences including the Special Libraries Association, Security BSides, O’Reilly Security, and DEF CON’s Recon Village.
Contacting Tracy:
Twitter: @infosecsherpa
Website: Sherpa Intel
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