OSINT Techniques (with Michael Bazzell)
Advanced Persistent Security Podcast
Episode 40
Guest:Michael Bazzell
March 30, 2018
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OSINT Techniques (with Michael Bazzell)
Show Notes
In this episode, we introduce Caroline Stephens as a new co-host. Our guest, Michael Bazzell discusses his background in OSINT; how he got into OSINT and why he wrote his first book as well as his new book Open Source Intelligence Techniques (6th Edition). Michael talks about what has changed in OSINT since 2001 in terms of collecting everything then versus filtering as much as possible now. We discuss automating OSINT and Buscador Linux. We go over a few tools that we like to use – Recon-ng, Datasploit, and Buscador. Maltego came up and we discuss our use and reservations of usage.
On the topic of Buscador, Michael discusses how it came about, his collaboration with David Wescott, and the need for a linux based OSINT virtual machine. Joe and Michael discuss the ethical requirements and implications of collecting and usage of data gathered using OSINT techniques. Michael talks about his commitment to OPSEC (Operations Security) when working on OSINT investigations.
We talk about proactive OSINT and Privacy; the offense and defense. Facebook Live is discussed. Michael and Joe also talk about spoofing location information and the impact of using a VPN on a cell phone. The usage of Michael’s tools for law enforcement and the media is discussed. Michael tells us about his experience working on Mr. Robot.
ABOUT Michael
Michael Bazzell spent 18 years as a government computer crime investigator. During the majority of that time, he was assigned to the FBI’s Cyber Crimes Task Force where he focused on computer crime investigations. As an active investigator, he has been involved in numerous major criminal investigations including online child solicitation, child abduction, kidnapping, cold-case homicide, terrorist threats, and computer intrusions. He has trained thousands of individuals in the use of his investigative techniques. He also served as the technical advisor for the television hacker drama “Mr. Robot”. His books “Open Source Intelligence Techniques” and “Hiding from the Internet” have been best sellers in both the United States and Europe. Michael currently works and resides in Washington, D.C.
Contacting Michael:
Twitter: @inteltechniques
Web: inteltechniques.com
Open Source Intelligence Techniques 6th Edition
Complete Privacy and Security Desk Reference Volume 1: The Digital
Outsmarting Your Kids Online: A Safety Handbook for Overwhelmed Parents
Personal Digital Security: Protecting Yourself from Online Crime
Podcast: Complete Privacy and Security Podcast
Contacting David:
Twitter: @aptnotes
Contacting Caroline:
Twitter: @cxstephens
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The post OSINT TECHNIQUES (WITH MICHAEL BAZZELL) first appeared on Advanced Persistent Security.