2017 DerbyCon Podcaster’s Podcast (NSF Kids/Work)
2017 DerbyCon Podcaster’s Podcast (NSF Kids/Work)
September 27, 2017
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2017 DerbyCon Podcaster’s Podcast (NSF Kids/Work) SHOW NOTES
SUPER NOT SAFE for kids (and probably adults, come to think of it). Really this is just us riffing about derbycon (and I really love @oncee, and wished I’d gone to his stable talk (which you can listen/watch here: http://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=videos/derbycon7/s07-the-skills-gap-how-can-we-fix-it-bill-gardner)
We actually did talk about the skills gap, resume workshop held at Derbycon, and so much else.
If you haven’t been to Derbycon, you should definitely make plans now to attend…
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